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About Press Office 7


"I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work alongside and learn from you Pierre Mare (The Brand Guy). Your guidance has been invaluable."

Adelaide Mutjavikua
Marketing & Corporate Communications Practitioner


"You are good at what you do! Let the creativity flow! I will subscribe just to be kept informed about the changing trends and the environment we are in!"

Kai Geschke
Owner-manager, non-executive director with many interests


“Pierre has accompanied us as a media expert and has overseen our public presence from the early days for over 20 years. He was instrumental in defining and developing the brand identities of the company and the Benchmark Retirement Fund. Through his technical expertise and exceptionally creative mind, RFS Fund Administrators and the Benchmark Retirement Fund have established themselves as leaders in the industry.”

Tilman Friedrich
Chairman, RFS Administrators


“Thank you Pierre Mare, impacting others for the greater good is the goal...

Paul Egelser
Manager Client Support at Development Bank of Namibia


“We should have listened to you.”

Gordon Sparrow
Manager Client Support at Development Bank of Namibia
on stakeholder relationships


“Very very good thoughts indeed!.”
Dr Michael Humavindu

Deputy Executive Director: Industrialization & Enterprise Development
Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development
on comments and proposals for inclusion in the Draft National Informal Enterprise Policy

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